Well here we are yet again, starting the year new and refreshed and redefined. At least that's what it is to me. Last year I vowed to just accept what came to me which was the UNKNOWN....and accept it as it came I did.I honestly had no idea what to expect in 2011...I knew I was letting go completely of a big part of what my life used to consist of and I was ready to take on the world in a whole different light. And trust me I did, however at the end of every path was a bit of a disappointment followed by laughter. I stepped into a new life filled with new experiences...I traveled more, I planned less, I took on more workloads, I built walls and took chances on people who attempted tear them down......one of which actually succeeded only to prove to me why I built walls in the first place......end result? Walls went right back up immediately. But I'm glad I took the chances I took, without taking chances, you avoid risk and disappointments yes, but you also avoid the good in the situation and of course the possibility of something amazing. I wasn't about to let something "amazing" pass me by and while it turned out to be anything but amazing I learned more about myself and this thing we call life.
Something else amazing happened in 2011...my best friend gave birth to the sunshine in my life. Words can't express what little Benjamin Randall does for me...he is just a breath of fresh air. His smile lights up my life and the love I have for him is beyond what words can explain......he makes life so much better :o)
So, as I say good bye to 2011, I say hello to 2012. I say hello to the things I haven't encountered yet, to the lessons I haven't learned yet, to the people I have not crossed paths with yet....I hold on tight to those most important to me who have helped me get through the past couple of years....making me laugh and helping me to realize that through every dark moment comes a light at the end of the tunnel. This past year I learned to laugh at the things that go wrong..life isn't perfect, and it never will be. It's just an amazing thing we have every day that allows us to make the most of what we have and not care about what we don't have. I look forward to many more memories with friends and family because 2012 is going to be an amazing year.....I'm ready.....are you?