Friday, June 28, 2013

Plans Don't Always Work Out The Way We Think...They Do Work Out for the Better

Wow, it's been far too long since the last time I posted and it's for very good reason, I promise. My invitation world has officially taken over my life - now consistently creating invitations for 3-4 clients at a time and given that wedding season is now year round, it just hasn't stopped - good and bad I suppose.  I started this business for fun not really taking it all that seriously in the beginning and I slightly had a little different plan for myself. Turns out you should never plan your life out because IT NEVER ENDS UP THAT WAY. And although at times we dwell on things not working out according to planned....something bigger and better happens along the way that makes you truly believe in the saying "Everything Happens for a Reason."

7 years ago I thought, "Why Not?" I'll do invitations here and there for fun and see what happens. Well starting a business 7 years ago was the best thing I could have done - my world was surrounded by friends and family getting married and having babies and they all took a chance on me. From them grew a wonderful network of people in the industry or not in the industry that allowed me to flourish very easily I might add. Without an advertising dollar paid, or an effort my work spoke for itself. And 7 years later its become a full time job in addition to my full time job (part 2). I thought my life would be a little different at 31 but turns out its actually better than I tried to plan it to be - GO FIGURE. 

A lot has happened and each occurrence good or bad has paved the path to the happiness I live today. I took chances - I failed, I succeeded, I was hurt, I hurt others, I cried, I laughed - and here I am. Happy. We are human and we will make choices and decisions every day big and small, but at the end of the day as long as we can fall asleep at night proud of who we are that's all you can ask for. Everything else will fall into place as it is meant to and life will throw curves your way, perhaps challenges, perhaps lessons but it's life. It's a gift that you only get ONE TIME. I learned to be happy on my own after being in relationship after relationship which was the best lesson I taught myself. And wouldn't you know, after finding that happiness ... happiness found me. There HE was....and it all happened by fate if I had to explain it in the simplest way. I actually now know what everyone meant when they said "You will know when you JUST KNOW."

Well I knew...and while I at times thought it was too good to be true, my heart told me otherwise. When you can stay up until 4 in the morning talking, not once, not twice, not three times but every time you are with someone that's chemistry - passion - love. All the pieces fell right into place without effort at all. He has always made me feel beautiful, he has always made me laugh and he has always loved me in a way I can't compare or explain. It's been the ride of a lifetime and continues to be and believe me as amazing as he is and as amazing as we are together we aren't perfect all the time, but we are perfect together. A perfect balance of similarity and difference - me and him.

So you see - I've been busy..... and now you know why. I promise I won't stay away too long again ... 

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