Thursday, November 4, 2010

New Season...New Life

November time just keeps flying by faster every day and I've realized no matter what I try to do, there's no stopping it or slowing it down for that matter.  The clock ticks whether we want it to or not.  Life moves forward day by day and before we know it another year has passed. We now move into a new season full of holidays....Thanksgiving, Christmas and then the bringing in of the New Year.  This is typically my favorite time of year when the leaves are changing from green to beautiful colors of orange and red, the smell of fireplace fills the night air, the mornings are crisp and it's a time of gathering with friends, loved ones and family to celebrate the holiday season. This year I have a bit of a hesitant excitement for the holidays....I still love the idea of it all but this time around I do come to terms with things that have changed.  I guess on a day to day basis it's easy to forget or busy yourself with things so that certain realities don't float around you.  But as the holidays grow near, I find myself fast forwarding ahead envisioning the NEW reality that I will live this year.  While this is my first holiday season (lump in throat) "single" admittedly in twelve years (no I'm not divorced, I am just that girl that's always been in a relationship), I find that while I will have a small void in my heart, my world will be 100% filled with the core of who I am and who I have come to be:  my family, my friends and new life.

My family means more to me than I can express in any blog. It's full of tradition, amazing unconditional love and support, and so much happiness and faith that it's almost overwhelming. Not many people can say that about their family or can say that they were lucky enough to be raised in such an environment that you almost feel you don't need anything else. 

My friends, well, you already know about them.  They pretty much make my life complete....they are the sisters I never had.  Each one of them through good and bad, laughter and tears have given me so much in their own way...whether its just to sit and laugh at things that nobody else on the outside would find funny, or whether it's dancing in the parking lot no matter how stupid we look, or maybe just a good movie night letting me pour my heart out and know I won't be judged...but instead hugged.....My friends are my extended family, they are the sisters I was meant to have.

And this year I found myself appreciating things at a much more intense level, looking at things in a different light and just trying to reinvent my life, who I am and the outlook on my life.  Sure I envisioned myself in a completely different place by this time of year, at this age....but it's called hope and faith and I have it.  I know things happen for a reason as cliche as that statement is but it's so true. I find myself singing to a different song, dancing to a different beat and walking a different walk.  I find myself being engulfed by the celebrations of new life through my best friends new additions, I find myself toasting to new life journey's at the weddings of long time friends and find that every day I experience I continue to grow and become someone that I never imagined but am completely proud of.  That's my ultimate goal in this know that at the end of the day I did everything I could to the best of my ability.

Sometimes the littlest things bring the GREATEST hope and faith and happiness and they don't even know it.............

"Harlow Brezeale"

"Devan Buchanan"

"Gretchen Padron"

"Charlotte Verst"

"Emma DeFries"

"Layla Swain"

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